2024 Annual Shareholders Meeting Election Results

On Saturday, May 11, 2024, the Inspectors of Election announced there was a quorum present at the Bethel Native Corporation annual meeting of shareholders with 80,678.9079 shares represented in person or by proxy.  This represents 51.9% of the total 155,155.1107 outstanding shares entitled to vote.

The election inspectors announced the Board of Director election results as follows:

Lyman Hoffman received  63,399.6358 votes

Henry Hunter Sr received 59,664.1851 votes

Donna Lindsey received 53,953.8096 votes

Kirsten M. Kinegak-Friday received 63,141.7100 votes

Congratulations to the following persons elected to serve a three year term: Lyman Hoffman, Kirsten M. Kinegak-Friday and Henry Hunter, Sr.

Quyana to all four candidates for your interest! Quyana shareholders for submitting your proxy!


If you want to opt in or opt out of receiving your annual meeting materials electronically in the future, please contact the BNC office at 907-543-2124 or email bethel@bncak.com to communicate that request.